RDM 4 – no Pallet



no Pallet version


Table rotation speed: 3.000 giri/min
Rapid speed X and Z axes: 36.000 mm/min


monolithic steel, electro-welded
stabilised and normalised.

Machine weight: 22.000 Kg


Spindle motor power: 92 kW
Spindle torque: 670 Nm


Composed of an independent, interchangeable cartridge with an integral, high-power, liquid-cooled asynchronous motor (92 kW). Very fast acceleration and braking times (3 seconds).


Large machining area, meaning it can machine rims of up to 24 inches in diameter and 15 inches high.



astek know the needs of the automotive market. Saving just one second in the production of a single part increases productivity over millions of pieces.The vertical lathes from the RDM range have been designed for companies manufacturing light alloy rims. These machines offer the highest levels of performance, are fully customisable and are ready to be used to their full potential. They adapt well to increasingly more demanding and higher performing production cycles.This is the reason why we invest commitment and resources to constantly perfecting our engineering and finding solutions that:

  • increase production capacity and flexibility
  • reduce costs and save time
  • improve quality and reliability


Capacità di lavoro – Operating capacity
Max. diametro di tornitura
Max. turning diameter
mm 800
Max. diametro di rotazione
Max. rotation diameter
mm 880
Max. altezza pezzo da lavorare
Max. height of piece to be machined
mm 450
Attacco naso mandrino
Spindle nose connection
ASA 11″
Max. carico ammesso
Max. load allowed
Kg 300 + 300
Velocità mandrino – Spindle speed
Numero gamme di velocità
Number of speed ranges
nr. 1
Velocità max. di rotazione mandrino
Max. spindle rotation speed
giri/1 3.000
Potenza motore mandrino in S1
Spindle motor power in S1
kW 92
Max. coppia in S1
Max. torque in S1
Nm 670
Torrette Utensili – Tool turrets
Numero torrette
Number of turrets
nr. 2
Posizionamento torrette
Position of turret
Verticale inclinate a 15°
Posizione utensili per singola torretta
Position of tools per single turret
nr. 8
Attacco utensili
Tools connection
VDI 50
Massima lunghezza utensile
Maximum tool length
mm 450
Assi – Axes
Velocità di rapido
Rapid feed
mm/1 36.000
Corsa orizzontale assi “93X1″94 e “93X2″94
Horizontal stroke “93X1″94 and “93X2″94 axes
mm 550
Corsa verticale assi “93Z1″94 e “93Z2″94
Vertical stroke “93Z1″94 and “93Z2″94 axes
mm 960
Diametro viti a ricircolo di sfere
Diameter of recirculating ball screws
mm 50
Coppia assi
Axes torque
Nm 22
Spinta su singolo asse
Thrust on single axis
kN 10,3
Dati Operativi – Operating data
Peso totale della macchina
Total machine weight
Kgs 22.000

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